There are plenty of cultural cities where tourists can learn about the people and the history of Transylvania. And there are the writers who publish books about Transylvania. Transylvania has a remarkable history and a vast cultural environment that has always been there. It has links to countless royal families, and its place in history was powerful due to its location as a doorway to Eastern Europe.
Transylvania has so much to offer to a writer, especially one who has plans of writing several books on the history or the people. There are already plenty to choose from on Amazon and other on-line book stores, but also many people who have a particular bais to one version of history or another. That means that a writer must publish a interesting book, in some ways it makes it harder since one wants to be the next big thing. The famous Bran Castle has many books written about it, so a writer needs to find a good niche and then they need to write more within that niche.

Transylvania, Romania, the people and place, is a great subject for a book because a person can write and publish many books on different facets of the subject. The history of Transylvania goes back to before the Roman Empire and there are many people who know about Dracula and the myths surrounding Bran Castle. Tourism is a market that is well suited for a writer since there are many places that people can go and see in the area, and still be able to travel around Europe at a reasonable cost. Because Transylvania is close to Hungary and other countries, Romania has a strong tourism branch in their government.

Self-Publishing means that the writer can expand on smaller niche markets, and can find where they work the best. Social media is always a huge help and with practice and authentic passion you can make a good book, and then you can write and publish another. Every step is a success, and learning and growing as a person is also a key to building a relationship with your readers so that they can see the joy and beauty of Transylvania as well.
Some topics can simply start with an idea, but that idea can grow into a published book. the backstory for Dracula begins with just a name one Vlad Tepes, who would eventually become the immortal Count Dracula.