Where is Transylvania is as Important as This

When someone asks where is Transylvania, most people assume that you won't know exactly where it is. The closest, and most correct answer is in Romania.  That's about as far as it goes.  Part of the answer is not where, but perhaps who knows the history of the area.  It was in flux between many countries and Empires for centuries.

I have published a book a few years back, called In Search of The Lost Ones and in doing so, I found that I had to spend a lot of time learning the history of the area, but the extensive cultures found there. That in and of itself was an incredible adventure. I probably could write another book on the adventures and the things I learned about Transylvania.  It's a very unique pac.

I know that the simplest answers can be the hardest especially when you have history and people who feel strongly towards what, who and where they have their homes.  For some, they left the area decades ago, and still hold it fondly in their hearts.  Where they left is not as important as what and who they left behind.

It has caused a lot of discussions and deep hurts over the years, and I found it amazing that Romania and Hungary and to an extend Austria haven't had as much upheaval as other more south eastern countries.  I am certain that the memories of the various cultures will help and grow the new generation.

Transylvania is a part of the fabric of many people.  It was, at least location wise, a gateway to the rest of Europe. The history of the land plays out in the castles and the mountains.

It isn't about where it is, rather who has a connection to the land and its vast and rich history.
